23 North Prince Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
10 AM - 5:00 PM
11 AM - 5:00 PM
11 AM - 5:00 PM
10 AM - 5:00 PM
10 AM - 5:00 PM
10 AM - 4 PM

Our Shop
Read Rose Books houses a diverse collection of used, vintage, and first edition books. The name Read Rose Books was chosen in honor of Lancaster, the Red Rose city, and for all of the books that will be read. There is a book for everyone from Russian literature to poetry to historic fiction. We are always happy to lend a hand and help you find your next great read.
Local artists are a prominent feature at the store. From the moment you walk in you will be able to see the large acrylic paintings of Josh Manny and a wide variety of other artists.
Also included in the store is a selection of fair trade items handmade in Peru. These items are only available in store so make sure to check out our hours and stop in some time.

Teddy's passion comes in the form of helping people and putting a smile on their faces. Aside from his love for the bookstore , Teddy is always looking for and doing different things to help out the community.

Elizabeth has a passion for reading. Anytime she’s in the store she will most likely have a book in her hands. In school she studied communications and loves working on social media and marketing.
Mamba is the shop dog in training. He does not know how to read yet but his favorite book is the Dogs as People book. He likes the pictures. Mamba has big plans of being a good boy.